Black Diamond abrasive products are recognized for supplying the superior power you need to keep on blasting. What makes us so powerful? Our hard, angular particles are uniform weight and gradation for fast-cutting strength to get any job done.
A larger number of gradations means you can be more confident in achieving your target profile. We have the product to blast through the toughest epoxies and layers of old paint, as well as the finesse to remove light rust and mill scale. We even have grades with the delicacy for glass etching.
Black Diamond abrasives are the safer alternative to sand and more cost-effective than garnet, aluminum oxide, steel, and glass. They’re less than 0.1% free crystalline silica and are low dusting and chemically inert.
Here are a few honors we’re particularly proud of: meet requirements of SSPC-AB 1 standards, passes TCLP test (40 CFR 261.24a), approved by California Air Resources Board*, approved by U.S. Navy QPL (MIL-A-22262)*, and licensed Blastox® Blender.*
*select facilities